아래 기사는 2006학년도부터 시행된 덕고장학생 제도에 대한 것입니다. 덕고장학생 제도의 취지와 시행 계획을 알 수 있을 것입니다.
민족사관고 덕고장학생 30명 모집
[국민일보] 2005. 12. 28
강원도 횡성 소사리 민족사관고(교장 이돈희)가 가정사정이 넉넉하지 않은 영재들을 전국에서 발굴, 육성하는 장학사업을 펼친다. 민사고는 28일 재학생의 20%인 30명을 덕고(德高)장학생으로 선발하고, 이 학생들을 지원하는 후원회를 모집해 운영할 것이라고 밝혔다. 선발 대상은 공부는 잘하지만 집안 사정이 넉넉지 않은 중학교 2학년생으로 학기말에 뽑은 뒤 1년간 방학기간을 이용해 민사고에서 집중적으로 학습 실시할 계획이다.
이를 위해 2006년 제1기 덕고장학생 30명을 자치단체 등 추천을 통해 전국에서 선발하고 기업체나 지자체, 독지가 등은 학생 한명씩을 후원하게 된다. 민사고의 덕고장학생 프로그램은 부유층 자녀들이 대다수를 차지하는 현재의 입학 관행에 새로운 모델을 제시하기 위한 것으로 연차적으로 장학생 선발을 계속 확대해 나갈 계획이다.
덕고장학생은 2006년에 중학교 2학년 학생을 선발하여 여러 보충 교육을 실시한 후 2007학년도 입시에서 4명의 학생이 입학허가를 받았습니다. 다음은 민사고의 영자신문인 Minjok Herald에서 최초의 덕고장학생들을 인터뷰하고 쓴 기사입니다.
Some Special Twelfth Waves - Dukgo Scholars
[Minjok Herald] 2006. 11. 20
On September 29th, four students of the Dukgo Scholarship were finally accepted as 12th wave students and officially became a part of the KMLA family. Hong Min-Woo, Cho Jung-Hyun, Gong Hyo-Rim, and Lim Da-Som are the special freshmen who successfully passed this year’s entrance examinations. Among them, Hyo-Rim is the first KMLA student to come from Hoengsung and Da Som comes from a mining town in Sabuk. The four were originally selected as the first to receive the newly established Dukgo Scholarship in the winter of 2005. KMLA graduates and some of the 9th waves taught them and helped them prepare for the KMLA admissions.
A group of new Teaching Assistants (TA) was also formed at the beginning of the second semester. Two 9th wave seniors, Choi Eun-Young and Yoon Jae-Phil, and four 10th wave sophomores, Kim Ye-Won, Kim Ji-Yoon, Yea Chang-Whan, and Shim Chi-Kyu volunteered to help the four to prepare for their upcoming high school years at at KMLA. Also, Mr. Gho Moon-Soo and Mr. Kim In-Suk both agreed to teach the students English and math when they come every weekend. Under the guidance of Ms. Park Hea-Sun, who is in charge of the Dukgo Scholarship’s education programs, the new teachers and TAs have worked side by side with the four during the last two months.
The educating program is mainly consisted of two programs: online tutoring and weekend classes. Online tutoring was introduced so that the TAs can constantly interact with the Dukgo students while they are at home during the weekdays. The four 10th wave TAs were respectively appointed to a student for 1:1 tutoring. Diaries written in English are required along with a daily set of vocabulary to memorize. All TAs and students also received headsets from the school in order to practice speaking skills by having conversations in English via the Internet everyday. The weekend classes are only for the two girls who come to the campus during the weekends. Mr. Gho and Mr. Kim provide regular classes for them on Saturday mornings and all TAs teach English and math during self-study periods or on Sunday mornings.
Although the four recipients of the Dukgo Scholarship have achieved a great accomplishment in being accepted as our school’s students considering their background and the hardships they would have experienced while studying, the four incoming freshmen still have a long way to go. Fortunately, during the short period of intensive education, they have shown great eagerness to learn, which surprised the TAs and the teachers. All those involved in the Dukgo Scholarship education program hope for the successful adaptation of these four future freshmen once they enter our school.
민족사관고등학교 부교장 엄세용
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